sebring residence
sebring residence
The underlying idea behind the design of this single residence was the construction of the large curved stone wall that protects the building from the severe coastal conditions, while providing privacy from the adjoining public parkland. The ground floor layout comprises a series of living spaces, each of which has been scaled to create a sense of intimacy.
First floor bedrooms are expressed as tiled forms shimmering above the curved rock wall below. The tiled walls are a combination of gloss, matt and textured tiles in a pattern that reflect the sparkle of the adjoining ocean waves in the morning light. External finishes flow through into internal spaces, including large format floor tiling and external mosaic wall tiling continuing internally to compliment the timber veneer and polished stone.
The majority of new developments within the area are solid in nature; therefore a palette of materials has been used that reflect the emerging local context. Material selections have been made with longevity in mind. Copper / aluminium roofs, stone and tile walls shall provide long term benefits to the overall building cost, as these finishes shall require less maintenance over the lifespan of the building.
Project Team - Paul Uhlmann, Mark Jamison, Christina Chng and Sarah Payne
Completion Date 2012